Hallowe’en Town Parking Lot Game

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3 versions of Hallowe’en Town are included: a colour version for those who have access to print in high quality colour (perhaps at a local printer), a printer friendly black and white version, and a version with no extra graphics, so you can add your own graphics, (perhaps stickers or freehand art). You could print multiple copies and decorate one for each special occasion.

I have some toy micro cars from the dollar store, and we use those to get around the town, and park them on the appropriate spaces. The young ones love this. You could use whatever vehicle you have, or ask them to bring one from home.

Print and cut out the matching cards, so the student can choose their own path, or you can call out the spaces you want them to move to.

Kids love this game. Sometimes we take turns, and I pretend to go to the wrong spot, and they correct me. We drive the cars around the town and make car noises. Tons of fun!

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1 review for Hallowe’en Town Parking Lot Game

  1. Rated 5 out of 5


    For a quick, fun Halloween game, this is it! I appreciate the line note, space note, RH, LH symbols which help students of all ages who need reinforcement with these elements. The boxes for each note value is a great tool, too!

    • Debi

      Thanks Tammy!! I’m happy you are having fun with it 🙂

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